"Meditation is not an escape, but a serene encounter with reality" Thich Nath Han
Vinyasa Yoga
Vinyasa means "to place in a specific order"
The prefix "Vi" in Sanskrit designates order, arrangement, and "Nyasa" can be translated as "to place", but "Nyasa" also evokes in the sacred texts the relations between mind, spirit, concentration and meditation.
Vinyasa is a yoga inspired by Ashtanga where sequences can be redesigned and recreated.
Attention is paid particularly to the sequence of postures - asana - and the quality of their realization, associated with conscious breathing.
The understanding of postures, alignments and adjustments, the development of anchoring, strength and mobility will allow progression towards a fluid and dynamic practice.
Beyond the physical aspect of this yoga, concentration and fluidity in the practice bring us closer to an experience of meditation in movement.

Kundalini Yoga or the Yoga of Consciousness
Often called mother yoga or original yoga, Kundalini Yoga includes different aspects of yoga in its teaching.
You practice at each class the repetition of mantra (sounds and formulas) mudra (hand and finger positions) pranayama (breathing exercises) asana (static or dynamic postures) relaxation and meditation.
The use of these sophisticated techniques is aimed at training and mastering the body and mind.
The end is to attain the state of yogic consciousness - the union of the individual principle with the supreme principle. Experiencing the sacred and a sense of wholeness allows us to move through our lives with strength, equanimity, and grace.
The work engaged on the yoga mat gradually or radically transforms psychological and behavioral patterns that no longer serve us, comes to nourish qualities and values that densify our true identity and connect us to the Infinite in Self.
In this, kundalini yoga can be a path of excellence for everyone.
And along the way, it allows us - among other benefits - to develop our vitality, our mental clarity, our creativity, to better manage stress and emotions, to reconnect with our inner joy.

"You are in the inner light, not the lamp, but the flame" No Water, No Moom p.114-122

"Accept life as it is. By accepting it as it is, one begins to feel full of joy, for no reason. When joy has a reason, it does not last long. When it is without any reason, it remains forever.
Zen, The Path of Paradox, vol 3. p.175-176